5 Best Exercises for Core Muscle Strengthening Workout in Kolkata, India
- By Soumen Workout
- June 3, 2023
If you’re looking to develop a strong and stable core, you’ve come to the right place. Look no further than Soumen’s Workout! The core muscles play a crucial role in supporting the spine, improving posture, and enhancing overall athletic performance. Whether you’re an athlete seeking to enhance your sports performance, a fitness enthusiast aiming for a sculpted midsection, or simply someone looking to improve your overall fitness level, incorporating core exercises into your workout routine is key. In this article, we will explore the five best exercises for core muscle strengthening. Discover the best exercises for core muscle strengthening in Kolkata and exercises for core muscle strengthening in India and take control of your health today. By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you can build a solid foundation of core strength and stability. Join Soumen’s Workout now
So, let’s dive right in and discover the exercises that will help you achieve a stronger, more resilient core. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, there’s something here for everyone. Get ready to feel the burn and reap the rewards of a well-conditioned core!
Core muscle strengthening requires diverse forms of exercises, simply performing sit-ups and ab crunches is insufficient. You need to work out a range of muscles, from your hips to your shoulders, to develop a strong core. A key component of training is developing a strong core since it lays the groundwork for the body’s best movement. As the link between our lower and upper extremities, our core holds the body together. The core is the centre of the body and the source of all motion; it serves as both the engine and the foundation of the body. When your core muscles engage, they stabilise your spine, pelvis, and shoulder girdle and build a strong foundation for your extremity’s strong movements. To be effective, core conditioning workout programmes must work on all these muscle groups.
1) Plank: Keep your back straight and low while supporting your lower body on your forearms with your legs extended behind you. Hold this position for as long as you can. Start holding for greater periods of time as your core strength improves.
2) Bridge: Begin on your back with your feet flat on the ground and your knees bent. Take a deep breath in, slowly lift your tailbone to the sky, and draw your stomach in at the same time. You should only be using your feet, upper shoulders, and neck to hold yourself at the peak of the bridge. Exhaling, carefully make your way back. Replicate the action.
3) Bulldog: Get down on your hands and knees and raise your right arm while extending your left leg at the same time. Repeat on the other side after completing this hold and lowering to the ground.
4) Side Planks: Legs should be straight when you lie on one side. With your forearm pressed into the ground, place your elbow exactly under your shoulder. Squeeze your glutes as hard as you can while lifting your hips. Drive elbows towards the toes while pulling the belly button towards the spine.
5) Leg raise holding: Lift your legs to a 45-degree hip flexion while lying on your back with your hands under your hips. Hold the up position for a certain period while keeping your legs in the air. Maintain a firm core, deep breathing, and tight abs. Your hip flexors, quadriceps, and core should all feel the effects of this workout.
Soumens Workout, the biggest fitness and slimming centre in Kolkata and India is specialized in core muscle strengthening. We have had fitness centres throughout India for the last 26 years.
Newspaper article Anandabazar Patrika
Fitness tips by Soumen
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