5 Best Exercises for Post-Pregnant Mothers in Kolkata, India
- By Soumen Workout
- June 17, 2023
Congratulations on becoming a mother! The journey of pregnancy and childbirth is a beautiful and transformative experience. As you navigate the joys and challenges of motherhood, it’s important to prioritize your own well-being and physical health. One way to do that is by incorporating exercise into your routine. Not only can exercise help you regain your pre-pregnancy strength and energy, but it can also enhance your overall well-being and aid in postpartum recovery. Look no further than Soumen’s Workout! In this blog post, we will explore the five best exercises specifically tailored for post-pregnant mothers. These exercises have been carefully selected to address the unique needs of new mothers, considering the physical changes that occur during pregnancy and childbirth. Discover the best workouts for post-pregnant mothers in Kolkata and workouts for post-pregnant mothers in India and take control of your health today. From rebuilding core strength to promoting flexibility and relieving stress, these exercises are designed to support your postpartum journey. We understand that as a new mother, your time is precious and your energy levels may vary. That’s why we have chosen exercises that are not only effective but also time-efficient and can be easily incorporated into your busy schedule. Whether you prefer to work out at home or join a fitness class, there’s an exercise option for every mom. Join us as we delve into these five exercises that can help you regain your strength, restore your confidence, and promote a healthy post-pregnancy lifestyle. Remember, before beginning any exercise program, it’s crucial to consult with your healthcare provider to ensure it aligns with your individual needs and recovery process. Let’s embark on this journey of postpartum fitness together, empowering you to embrace your new role as a strong, resilient, and healthy mother. Are you ready to take the first step towards post-pregnancy wellness? Let’s dive in and discover the best exercises to support your postpartum fitness goals. Join Soumen’s Workout now.
An abdominal wall incision is performed during caesarean delivery in order to rapidly and safely deliver the baby. While sometimes medically required, caesarean deliveries have a slightly longer recovery period than vaginal births. Because of this, caution should be exercised.
Wait at least six weeks postpartum, after you’ve seen your doctor, if you had a C-section delivery, before beginning your postpartum workout routine. It’s crucial to reach these two thresholds before you start exercising if you want your rehabilitation to progress smoothly.
You can gradually ease yourself back into a regular workout regimen over a few weeks or months if your doctor has given you the all-clear to exercise after birth. It’s okay if your postnatal fitness routine after a C-section looks significantly different from your pre-pregnancy workout routine.
1)Kegels: Put your feet up on the floor and lean back on a chair. Pelvic floor muscles should be contracted. You should feel as though you are attempting to stop the flow of urine. Consider sealing off the urethra, anus, and vaginal openings. Consider raising them up and out of the chair. Keep your muscles contracted as long as you can. Start with 5 seconds, then increase the duration gradually. Inhale deeply, and then exhale completely to release the contraction. Try performing Kegels while standing or resting on your side, among other positions.
2)Bridge: With your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, lie face up on the floor. Keep your arms by your sides, palms facing down. Up till your knees, hips and shoulders are in a straight line, lift your hips off the ground. To prevent overextending your back, squeeze your glutes and maintain your abdominals tight
3)Wall Sits: Ensure that your back is parallel to the wall. Set your feet firmly on the ground approximately two feet from the wall, shoulder-width apart. Maintaining a strong core and bending your legs to a 90-degree angle, slide your back down the wall. While tensing your abdominal muscles, maintain this posture for 12 to 15 seconds. Return to upright posture slowly while resting against the wall.
4)Breathing Exercise: On a cosy couch or bed, lie on your back. Put your hands on your tummy, then unwind your entire body. Inhale deeply through your nose and feel your hands and abdomen grow larger. Use your mouth to exhale. Pull your belly button towards your spine as you exhale to tighten your abdominal muscles.
5)Wall Pushups: Stand 2 feet away from a wall with your feet together and your legs straight out in front of you. Leaning in towards the wall with bent elbows until your nose nearly touches it.
Soumens Workout, the biggest fitness and slimming centre in Kolkata and India is specialized in workouts for postnatal mothers. We have had fitness centres throughout India for the last 26 years.

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