5 best exercises to reduce Abs in kolkata, India
- By Soumen Workout
- October 5, 2023
The majority of people prioritise activities to reduce belly fat as soon as they modify their workouts for weight loss. Your abdomen’s visceral abdominal fat is situated there. Visceral fat surrounds all of the major abdominal organs, including the liver, heart, lungs, and stomach, and serves to protect blood vessels and cover internal organs. Visceral fat accumulation can result to impaired glucose and lipid metabolism, which can result in type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and many more health issues.
Some exercises to shrink tummy are:
1)Planks: On the ground, legs extended, elbows stacked exactly beneath shoulders. Your elbows and toes should support your weight. Make your entire body tense by contracting your glutes and core. Consider drawing your belly button towards your spine. Contract your rhomboids, lats, and low back. Avoid allowing your pelvis or butt to lift or fall; keep your back upright.
2)Russian Twist: Lean back a little while sitting on the mat with your knees flexed and both legs raised. To balance your body, connect your palms. This is where everything begin. Move your upper body in a left-to-right motion.
3)Leg Raises: Lay down on your back with your legs extended in front of you. Slowly elevate the straightened legs towards the ceiling while using your core. Slowly lower the legs as far as you can without letting them touch the floor while maintaining core stability. Slowly bring the straightened legs back up towards the ceiling while maintaining core stability.
4)Crunches: Crunches: Lie down with your knees bent and your back straight, with you hands behind your head. Lift your shoulders, contract your abdominal muscles, and hold the position for few seconds. Slowly return to the initial position.
5)Heel Touch: Lie flat on your back with your knees bent. Raise your shoulders off the ground by laying your arms by your sides. Rotate your right hand down to your right foot, then back up, using your abs. Now it’s turn for your left hand to touch your heels.
Soumens Workout, the biggest fitness and slimming centre of Kolkata and India is specialized in workout to reduce belly fat. We have fitness centres throughout India for last 26 years.

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