Child obesity workout classes in Kolkata, India
- By Soumen Workout
- February 5, 2022
Obesity is increasing in number in children these days and studies reveal that of nothing is done then 2/3 of them will grow an obesse adnets.Obesity itself invites various health problems like sleep apnea, high cholesterol, diabetis or high blood pressure.
Soumen’s Workout is one of the best child obesity workout classes in India.
If you find your child increasing weight the best way to help him get into a healthy life style is to start some physical workout.Soumens Workout is famous for child obesity workout classes in kolkata.
Seven simple exercises for children for reducing weight.
1. Skipping- Start doing skipping at least 50 counting 2 to 3 times a day.
2. Jumping Jacks – Jumping Jacks is a very good exercise for small children.At least 50 to 100 jumping jacks one can do to reduce weight and make the body lighter.
3. Punches- Stand straight 7 more to the upper torso and go for punches once with right hand and other with left hand .
4. Scissor kicks – Lie down on the ground and lift both the legs up and cross your legs keeping your knees straight and tight.
5. Kickbacks – Put both hands on the wall and stand and now throw one by backward.Once right leg and once left leg.
6. Knee pushup – Lie down on your back and fold your knee and now lift the body up and down bending your elbows. 6 counting 3 sets.
7. High Step March – Stand straight and throw your and throw your legs up once right leg and once left leg . Do it 25 counting for 3 to 4 times.
Child obesity is one of the leading life style problem , most of them who are falling victim of this issue are those parents who have transmitted genetic ailments, poor life style by which we mean lack of physical activities along with continuous consumption of unhealthy food.
So how do you reduce the body weight of your child and save them from being an obese? The answer is join Soumen’s Workout for child obesity workout classes in kolkata,child obesity workout classes in India.
Child obesity makes your child gain stubborn fat, which makes your child feel extremely low in terms of energy causing a high risk for him or her to get exposed to unwanted ailments. So is there any process to reduce body weight without making any harsh adjustments in his or her diets? The good news is that there is a possibility for your child to get rid of the stubborn body fat by following a well-planned work out regime which includes zumba, aerobics. Soumen’s Workout has years of expertise in helping individuals to get rid of stubborn fat and can most certainly assist you in helping your child to get rid of unwanted body fat which might lead to complications in future.
The best way to reduce body weight for a child is vigorous workouts which is designed according to the age of the child, his or her height and medical condition. So how do you reduce body fat if your child has any kind of medical condition? The answer to your question is aerobics for children or yoga for children or zumba for children .Other than these, you can also help your child to reduce weight by stretching workouts, cardio workouts, strengthening workouts with yoga. Dieting or restricting your child from consuming his or her favourite food will make him or her depressed. However it is highly recommended to give them a proper healthy food. Good food habits along with proper workout sessions or physical activities like playing games will help your child to get rid of unwanted stubborn body fat.
So where do we start? Initially,20 minutes workout with few stretching and slightly cardio will do the needful. With time, we will slowly increase the time to 1 hour or so. The parents should always encourage their child for at least one hour workout session every day. Regular workouts enhances energy, flexibility and stamina. Regular workouts boost the confidence of your child which will certainly help them to overcome different milestones in their lives successfully.
Our Child Obesity awareness program in the city since last 11 years from Esplanade to Victoria Memorial

Newspaper article Anandabazar Patrika
Fitness tips by Soumen
For more information,please visit this link Soumen’s Workout article published at Anandabazar Patrika
Soumen’s workout the biggest fitness and slimming centre of Kolkata is specialised for child obesity workout classes in kolkata. Soumens Workout is renowned for one of the best for child obesity workout classes in India.

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