- By Soumen Workout
- February 19, 2022
Diabetic Workout: If you are diabetic regular exercise can only help you to control blood sugar levels and weight. It will also help your risk of heart attack, stroke, reduce cardiovascular risk factors.
Exercise also helps to strengthen the muscles of Diabetic patients. The muscles becomes loose or saggy for Diabetic patient very fast. So in order to strengthen the muscles one needs tonning workout. So the diabetic patients needs proper tonning workout as well as strengthening workout for every part of the body.
1. Diabetic patient should go for Cardio workouts like jogging, running, treadmill or Acrolics.
The best way of cardio workout is Jogging.

One should stand in front of the mirror and do jogging for at least 1min X 5 sets daily while jogging are should always take rest for 30 seconds and do start the next one. While jogging are should always see the jogging should be on your toes not on your heals. If one can do jogging daily he or she will reduce the weight also fast.
2. Diabetic patient should also go for tonning workout. If once your body be tonned and tightened the body muscle are tightened and the whole body become tight. If your body is tonned the mental confidence, strength and power increase.

One should stand straight leaning on the wall with the bulk the hands locked and in upward position. Now pull yourself up on your toes and tighten the whole body and count 20 X count 20 and go for 10 to 12 sets a day. The entire body becomes tonned. Tonning workout is a must for everyone.
3. Strengthening Workout:Upper Torso
Every diabetic person should go strengthening workout at least 10 to 15 min everyday. For upper torso strenthen and the lower part for diabetic patient it is very common the lower limbs and the hips goes down or reduces very fast.So every diabetic person should go for upper and lower part strengthening workout.

Upper torso strengthening is push up.One should go for push up at least to 8 counting 2 to 3 sets.Initially start with wall pushups and then floor pushup.
4.Strengthening Workout: Every diabetic patient should take care of your thigh & hips. The thighs & hips becomes too lean and become disproportionate to your body framework.The more the legs becomes lean the more the body pain , knee pain , wrist line pain , starts croping up.So thighs & hips should always be taken care.Regular strength workout for the legs and the glutot muscles is a must.So lower limb exercising is squatting.

One should go for squatting everyday at least 10 counting 2 to 3 sets.This helps to strengthen your thighs and glutor muscles to be stronger and in the long run the thighs will be completely into good shape.
5.Yoga for diabetes: For diabetes patient the waistline exercise is a must for everyone. One should strengthen your waistive and do few yogas everyday. The moment the waistline becomes stronger the entire body works properly and stays in good shape.

Bhujango Ashana should be done everyday for all diabetic patient for at least 8 to 10 sets a day with 16 counting. It helps to stregthen your waistline.

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