Tips from Fitness Guru Soumen for height growth exercises in Kolkata , India
- By Soumen Workout
- May 24, 2022
As parents most of us want our kids to be tall and strong , as both parameters are widely regarded as signs of good health. Though many kids are taller than what their parents used to be in their childhood ut many of them struggle in their childhood what their peers used to be.
If you are concerned parents who is looking forward for ways to increase your child height. Here are some tips from fitness guru Soumen.
Soumen says if anyone starts doing exercise for childhood under a proper trainer with proper nutrition the height has to grow.
Genes play a vital role in determining the height of the child. But many external factors like diet and physical activity also influence the height of the child.
5 best workouts for height growth- Soumen’s Workout
A balanced diet programme –
The best way to ensure that your kid reaches his maximum height is ensuring that he get proper nutrition. A balance diet mixed with proteins , carbohydrates , fats and vitamins in the correct proportions.
See your child doesn’t take too much junk food and aerated drinks. Sometimes once in a bluemoon it is ok.
Zinc is found to have a huge effect on your child’s growth. Its important to include zinc rich foods like peanuts and squash seeds in their diet. A balance diet will make your child stronger and taller.
Good Sleep – The importance of good sleep is very important for adults and also for kids. So see that your kid gets 8 to 9 hr sleep everyday in order to stay healthy. Sleeping releases a growth hormone called HGH which plays a direct role in increasing height.
See your child should go to bed sharp by 10 p.m. or latest by 11 p.m. Don’t allow seeing tv or playing in mobiles after 10 p.m.
Recently because of corona children growth has remarkably affected. The whole day online classes , no games and sports they have increased a lot of weight in last 2 years. Due to this height growth has affected a lot. Exercise plays a vital role in increasing height. So stretching workout combination of cardio workout with jumping exercises and few yogas for 30 to 35 minutes a day will really affect a lot in increasing height.
Few simple stretching workouts-Sit on the ground with both legs apart. Now catch hold one leg with both of your hands and try to touch your forehead to your knees. Do 16 counting to stay for 6 times each leg.

2. Then sit on the ground with both the legs closed. Then catch hold the feet of both the legs and try to touch your forhead to your knees.

3.Hanging – Hanging for increasing hgt has been recommended for decades now. Hanging from bars helps to elongate spine which is very important to become tall.
4.Skipping or Jumping Exercises-
Skipping or jumping exercises is a fun exercise for small children. It works on the entire body including the cardio to be strong and make the lower limbs to be stronger makes the body lighter and increases in height.
So jumping exercises like skipping , jumping jacks , spot jumping are few good workouts for height growth.

Yogas for height growth –
Yoga practice involves a lot of stretching and balance , both of which are great for your kids height growth. Few ashanas like Surya namaskar , Bhujango Ashana, Dhanur Ashana are very good stretching workout for the increase of length growth for children.

Soumens Workout the biggest fitness chain of India from last 24 yrs is specialised for height growth for small chiildren with guranteed results. Soumens workout the biggest fitness and slimming centre in Kolkata for hgt growth for children.

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