- By Soumen Workout
- April 5, 2022
5 Workouts for insomnia for Better Sleep
Insomnia problem is a very common problem nowadays. Since the covid has come from last 2 years people are suffering from sleeplessness. The moment one don’t have proper sleep at night immediately heart attack , pressure high , strokes are major medical problem one has to face.
So if one has to come from Insomnia one has to go for rigorous exercising. Once your body becomes tired automatically you go for a better sleep. If you want to come out from Insomnia one should go for cardio workout, few strenghthening work, few stretching workout and the breathing workout.
- Cardio workout- 1 min jogging at least 3 to 4 times daily or 20 mins walking or running on a treadmill.
- Strengthening workout- Biceps curls – 20 counting sets.
- Qudricep Hamstring for thighs- 16 counting 10 sets.
- Cool down stretching workout like-
- Cat & cow pose
- Child’s pose
- Pulse Rate
5. Breathing workout- Inhale from nose & exhale it out from month atleast 10 times.
Soumen’s workout the biggest slimming and fitness centre of India is specialized for workout for Insomnia or for better sleep workout. We are specialized for workout for any medical problems from last 2 years in Kolkata.

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