Knee joint pain classes in Kolkata , India
- By Soumen Workout
- February 5, 2022
Are you suffering from knee joint pain?
We understand that knee joint pain can be really frustrating. Knee joint pain can make you immobile and restrict from leading your regular life. Under such circumstances it will be really recommended for you to take immediate action before things go out of your hand.
If you are suffering from knee joint pain join Soumen’s Workout for guaranteed results. Soumen’s Workout is famous for Knee pain , Joint pain classes in Kolkata, India.
Soumen’s knee joint pain workouts, planned by Soumen’s Workout, India’s leading fitness and wellness centre. We proudly take the credit of healing patients suffering from knee joint pain through proper planned workout regimes. Our entire schedule involves physiotherapy along with exercises. We focus on body weight reduction, as more than often body weight is the reason for the knee joint pain. Elderly ladies with excessive body weight suffer from knee joint pain is quite common these days ,doctors suggest to reduce their body weight to treat these patients.
So how do you reduce your body weight through exercise when you’re suffering from body weight problem?
That is a relevant question, when you are suffering from knee joint pain , you can neither jog nor go for a walk .Treadmill is useless so is any other techniques of running. So how do we make these patients workout. Soumen’s Workout specialised in training individuals suffering from knee joint pain, train you to jog but in a sitting posture so that you can reduce your body weight easily without causing any strain on your knees. Followed to this, we train you to do a proper warm up exercise for enhancing your flexibility. Working out by sitting on your chair to make your body flexible and your hand helps you to make your body light and once you start feeling lighter you start recovering from knee joint pain. Once you get rid of the pain we want to help you to make your knees stronger. So our next exercise plan in the chart is designed to keep your knee strong .
So if you’re tired of giving in to the nagging knee pain and you want to fix your knee contact soumen’s slimming and fitness centre, we are renowned for knee joint exercises for last 24 years.

Newspaper article Anandabazar Patrika
Fitness tips by Soumen
For more information,please visit this link Soumen’s Workout article published at Anandabazar Patrika

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