Loose weight If you are Asthmatic – 8 exercises to reduce weight
- By Soumen Workout
- May 19, 2022
Yoga or swimming is a very good workout to reduce weight provided you are Asthmatic. Always start slowly and steadily go to high intensity workout. Start your session with 10 mins. and slowly go for 30 to 40 mins. Workout. If any time you feel asthma acting up immediately , take rest on that day and start doing a fresh one next day.
If you are asthmatic always keep your inhaler beside you. It should always be there in your workout bag. Without inhaler never go for exercising.
Make sure you exercise when pollen counts are low and in areas that don’t have allergens. That might restrict you to working out at gym or in your living room.Forgo basements that could be moldy or dusty and in friends house if there are pets present.
Follow healthy diet .Loosing weight is a great goal so avoid junk food. Try to eat healthy food. Skip sweets and takje plenty of fruits and vegetables which do have high fibres . Your bowl should be clear and take plenty of water.
The weight will definitely reduce but your food and life style process should be very perfect. Go proper sleep in time and get up early morning and do 20 to 30 mins. Workout under a good fitness guru who can design a proper workout for you.
Soumen das the fitness guru says that if you are asmatic and overweight , two dangerous combination but reduce your weight in a very brainy way. The weight has to go down and you can come out from the clutches of Asthmatic .
So 20 mins. Session Soumen chalks out for you.
- Full body toning up (sitting posture)

2.Sit and Jog (50 counting 2 to 3 sets)

3.Bicep curls (20 counting 3 to 4 times)

4. Quadricep hamstrings (20 counting 3 to 4 times)

5.Bhujanga Ashana

6.Bridge Pose

7.Cat and Cow (open the chest and improves lung capacity)

8.Supine spinal twist.

Lastly for all the asthmatic patients do use Tobacco. Avoid smoking and less on hard drinks or cold drinks or high calories food.
Soumens workout the only fitness centre of India where the workout is designed according to your medical problems nd your age.So if you want perfect results very fast through exercising do join Soumens workout.

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