
Workout at the age of 60’s

  • By Soumen Workout
  • March 30, 2022

Its very common nowadays many people above the age of 60 coming for workout. While starting the exercise one should always see the posture , Balancing , Core strength , and functional activities. By chance one falls down there will be fatal exercises.

At the age of 60’s one should always go for strengthening workout that to be Calesthenic workout.

At the age of 60’s Sacrophina problem comes that is muscle mass loss. After the age of 40’s people people loose if muscle lost every year and at the age of 60’s it increases to 15% to 20% muscle loss every year.So the muscles become loss and saggy. One may complain of muscle pain for strengthening problem.

Soumen’s workout is specialized to design workout above the age of 60’s. We take the medical problem of the client and then design the workout.

So we should go for simple workout like –

  1. Scapular exercises to strengthen the back muscle
  2. Quadricep Hamstring sitting on the chair for strengthening and tonning of thigh muscles.
  3. Full body tonning ,sitting on the chair for whole body tonning & strengthening.
  4. Bicep exercises for strengthening and toning of arms.

So that’s all to maintain yourself fit and tonned within a span of 20 to 30 minutes 5 days a week.

For more information please visit this below link published at Anandabazar Patrika

Soumen’s Workout Article Published at Anandabazar Patrika

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