- By Soumen Workout
- February 23, 2022
Gentle Activity will help you to recover from your caesarean. Pelvic floor and abdominal exercises can also help. After your 6-8 week postnatal check you should able to increase the amount the exercises.
Once you have recovered from your C section and no longer have any pain it is usually save to start low impact exercises such as Swimming, Pilates, Aerobics, Zumba And low resistance gym workout.
Initially for a C-section mother one should start with
Abdominal exercise
Pelvic floor exercise
Lower back exercise
Slight Cardio workout
Newspaper article Anandabazar Patrika
Fitness tips by Soumen
For more information,please visit this link Soumen’s Workout article published at Anandabazar Patrika
One should avoid jumping exercises like Skipping, Jumping Jacks and high intention abdominal exercises or heavy weight training workouts. Avoid doing crunches, sit ups and regular planks at first go for abdominal tonning workout which is very less intensity workout.
If you are already a c-section lady and your child is already grown up then you are facing only one problem your lower abdomen is becoming saggy and you do have a major waist live pain.
So if you want to tone your lower abdomen you go for Crunches of 30 county 5 sets and planks of 16 county 6 sets which will help you to tone your lower abdomen. But don’t forget to do “Bhujango Ashan” for strengthening your waist live.
Newspaper article Anandabazar Patrika
Fitness tips by Soumen
For more information,please visit this link Soumen’s Workout article published at Anandabazar Patrika
Soumen’s workout the best fitness and slimming centre of India for the Caesarean mothers.

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