Workout for Constipation Kolkata, India
- By Soumen Workout
- June 15, 2022
Are you suffering from constipation.Workout can help you to get rid of that problem. Join Soumen’s workout kolkata, India if you have a problem with constipation. Our workout for constipation will help you a lot. Soumens workout, the biggest fitness and slimming centre in Kolkata and India specialize in workout for constipation in kolkata, workout for constipation in India. Our fitness centres throughout India for last 24 years.
Feeling constipated is not a pleasant experience. The pain and discomfort caused due to irregular bowel movement may even make some people to crawl in the bed and lie in fetal position clutching the tummy as long as possible. However doing so does not help in passing stool. But trying some exercises can help to pass the bowel easily.
Exercising manages and relax muscles of the larger intestine reducing the time taken for stool to more through the colon. It also lowers the amt of water absorbed by the body fromthe stool which make it harder and difficult to pan.
Few workouts are there which you can practice to ease your bowl movement.
1.Pawan Mukta Ashana –

Lie down on your back. Keep your feet together and anus by your side. Inhale first and exhale and bring both your knees towards your chest. Your thighs should be pressing your body and clasp your hand around your legs. Hold the position for few seconds. While exhaling tighten your grip and when inhaling loosen it.
2. Deep Squat –

Stand straight with your feet wider. Now bend your knees and lower your butt like trying to sit down. Pause for few seconds and return to starting position.
3.Malasana or Garland Pose –

Stand on the mat with your feet apart. Now bend your knees and lower down your butt to extreme down in a squat position. Bend your elbows to bring the palms together and take your arms inside your knees to press your elbows against your inner knees. Stay for few seconds at least 6 to 7 times and then relax.
4. Cat-cow pose –

Get all the four knees and arms together. Inhale and relax your belly so it moves towards the floor, Gently arch your back towards the ground , tilt your tailbone and try to look upward. Hold the position for 2-3 seconds, Now exhale and inhale arch your spine towards the ceiling and tuck your chin into your chest. Do 15-20 repetetion.
Soumens workout the biggest fitness and slimming centre of Kolkata and India is specialised for workout for constipation. Our fitness centres throughout India from last 24 years.

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