Few exercises of workout for digestion in kolkata, India
- By Soumen Workout
- May 13, 2022
Digestion is the process of breaking down food that we eat for energy and nutrition. It is the most important functions performed by the body. Healthy digestive system not only helps to eliminate toxins but also keeps your stomach light & detoxed. Irregular bowel , indigestion , constipation can take a toll on overall health of the body and have a negative impact your other organs as well. Power digestion leads you to low energy levels, and uncomfortable all the time .Stress can lead to weight gain. Soumen’s workout the biggest fitness and slimming centre of Kolkata is recognized for workout for digestion in kolkata. Soumens Workout is well known for one of the best for workout for digestion in India.
Apart from the healthy eating habits some exercises can help improve your health. Soumen’s Workout is renowned for one of the best for workout for digestion in kolkata.
Few exercises for Digestion
Soumen’s Workout is famous for one of the best for workout for digestion in India.
1. Skipping – At least 100 skipping 2 to 3 sets . Lift both the hands up straight. Keeping your elbows straight and now start jumping on your toes.
2. Cat & cow exercises – Kneel down and put hands down on the ground and push your back upward and slowly downward. Again up and again down putting your abs inside. Do it for 20 times.
3. Full body roll up – Lie down straight keeping both the hands straight above your head. Now slowly get up and touch your feet and go back. Do it 10 times.
4. Sit up – Lie down straight , fold your legs and now catch hold of your thighs and get up. Do it for 10 country for 3 sets.
5. Crunches – Lie down straight folding your legs. Now put both the hands on your headband lift half of your body.Do 20 times.
If you want to have good digestive
1. Take at least 5 to 6 liters of water everyday. Before every meal. Drink 2 to 3 glasses of water before meal and after half and hr go for meal.
2. Take as much vegetables u can. Go for green vegetables. It will make your bowel to be clear.
3. Few ab exercises to strengthen your ab muscles. Exercises like crunches , sit ups at least 10 to 12 times in 2 to 3 sets everyday. Few yoga’s are also recommended.
Soumen’s workout the biggest fitness and slimming centre of Kolkata is specialised for workout for digestion in kolkata. Soumens Workout is renowned for one of the best for workout for digestion in India.

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