Workout for High Uric Acid in Kolkata, India
- By Soumen Workout
- March 25, 2023
High levels of uric acid in the blood can cause a range of health issues, from gout and joint pain to kidney stones and heart disease. While medication and diet can help manage high uric acid levels, regular exercise can also play a crucial role in supporting your health. In this blog post, we’ll explore the best workouts for high uric acid, including exercises that can help reduce inflammation, strengthen your joints, and improve your overall fitness. Soumens Workout, the biggest fitness and slimming center of Kolkata and India is specialized in workout for high uric acid individuals. Join Soumen’s Workout today and start your journey toward a healthier mind and body. Our expert tips and exercise routines of workout for high uric acid in kolkata, workout for high uric acid in India can help reduce inflammation, strengthen your joints, and improve your overall well-being. Discover the best workout for high uric acid and take control of your health today. Whether you’re new to exercise or a seasoned fitness enthusiast, read on to discover how you can take control of your health and manage your high uric acid levels with targeted workouts.
Blood contains the waste substance uric acid. It is produced through the body’s breakdown of substances known as purines. The majority of uric acid is dissolved in the blood, travels via the kidneys, and is excreted in the urine. Gout, which causes excruciating joint pain and redness, can affect about one-third of people with elevated uric acid levels. Uric acid crystals that grow inside or near the joint are the cause of the kind of arthritis known as gout. Both acute and chronic gout exist. Kidney stones and renal illness related to uric acid are two more disorders that may be brought on by uric acid crystals. An increased risk of developing heart disease, high blood pressure, chronic renal disease, and metabolic syndrome is directly linked to having high uric acid levels.
Causes of high uric acid:
1)Purine-rich Diet
2)Excessive Alcohol Intake
4)Kidney Inefficiency
7)Drugs: immuno-suppressant drugs may lead to high uric acid in the body.
Risk Factors:
1)Weight: Those who are extremely overweight or obese are more likely to have high uric acid levels.
2)Diet: Regular eating of purine-rich foods can cause high uric acid levels. Red meat, organ meat, and some seafood like scallops, mollusks, and tuna are among these foods. Consuming meals and beverages sweetened with fructose syrup can also cause elevated amounts of uric acid.
3)Kidney issues: Damage to the kidneys can lower renal function. This may lead to inadequate waste product filtration and elevated uric acid levels.
Exercises for high uric acid:
1)Low-impact Cardio: Cardiovascular exercise will improve your lung capacity and your body’s utilization of oxygen for the oxidation of acids. Most aerobic workouts also help to develop the muscles in the lower body.
2)Resistance training: You can work your muscles against a force by doing exercises that call for the utilization of resistance. As they are forced to become stronger while remaining still, this kind of exercise will increase their strength and balance.
3) Swimming: Swimming is an excellent exercise that improves joint health and mobility. Your joints experience less strain when you are moving in the water. Swimming is a great form of exercise if you have gout or any other type of arthritis.
4) Weight reduction exercises: Easy workouts for losing weight will help you manage gout symptoms that don’t go away. Combining mid-tempo aerobic exercise with muscle-building activity can be beneficial.
5) Stretching: The muscles can continue to acquire strength and flexibility without unintentional contraction by performing simple stretches.
Soumens Workout, the biggest fitness and slimming center of Kolkata and India is specialized in workout for high uric acid individuals. We have had fitness centers throughout India for the last 26 years.

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